Aviva Investors appoints liquid markets ESG head
Louise Piffaut was previously head of ESG integration for equities at the firm
Louise Piffaut was previously head of ESG integration for equities at the firm
Trade body says SFDR review should be prioritised
Huub van der Riet and Chong Peng join the Netherlands-based firm
Big Society Capital finds market grew to £9.4bn last year
Sustainable Fitch report finds growing focus from thematic and impact investors
Extreme flooding and heatwaves pose material risks for brands, retailers and investors
Power generation will likely change in favour of renewables
Andrea Abrahams will chair Nature Based Carbon Fund investment committee
ESG and sustainable investing expert Alexandra Danielsson joins the firm
And FRC appoints head of stewardship
Zebra Impact Ventures invests in early-to-growth stage ‘nature-positive’ companies
The progressive weakening of antitrust since the early 1980s raises important governance concerns about market influence