Sustainable investing in times of war
ESG funds see lower returns during conflicts, but they are more important than ever
ESG funds see lower returns during conflicts, but they are more important than ever
DC-based firm is joining WSP USA’s climate, resilience and sustainability team
ESG is only used in 5% of corporate DC plans, according to Callan. Use by institutional investors also varies a lot by geography.
Participation in 403(b) plans went up during the pandemic, to over 77% of eligible employees in 2020, compared with less than 77% in 2019 and 72% in 2018, according to PSCA.
Morningstar and Plan Administrators Inc. are planning to launch the pooled employer plan early next year, pending a final rule on environmental, social and governance factors from the Department of Labor.
ESG factors can be financially material, the DOL noted. And when they are not, they can be used in a tie-breaker between similar investments.
The proposal seeks to clarify that ESG factors can be financially material. It also specifies that such investments can be used as part of the default investment options in 401(k)s.
The guide has new information about the Department of Labor’s forthcoming regulations, which are expected to effectively reverse rules implemented last year that had a chilling effect on the use of ESG in 401(k)s.
The climate change report had stark findings and comes amid a severe drought in the American West and one of the worst wildfire seasons in California’s history.
In a letter to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, Democrats asked for an update on the DOL’s rule proposals on ESG criteria. Last year, the Trump-administration DOL finalized two rules that tamped down on use of so-called nonpecuniary factors in investment selection.
Much like 401(k)s, 403(b) plans have very little explicit consideration for environmental, social and governance criteria. An estimated 1% of plan assets are in ESG funds.
Dalbar rates 401(k)s with up to five stars and tells plan sponsors what they can do to improve their plans on the basis of environmental, social and governance criteria.