Greenwashing claims as half of Article 9 funds invest in fossil fuels
Call for regulators to take action
Call for regulators to take action
Invesco’s Elizabeth Gillam says we can expect lengthy negotiations on the remaining parts of the Fit for 55 package next year
Five companies request removal from divestment list
Liontrust’s Peter Michaelis says we are at a critical juncture in energy
Climate change cannot be tackled until food production and soil health have become a bigger part of the conversation
Partnered with As You Sow and Glass Lewis on investor voting technology for platforms
Shifting focus from responsible investment to ESG to align with wider M&G business
John Mulligan shares how gold mining will decarbonise and play a part in the just transition
RBC Global Asset Management’s Melanie Adams answers ESG Clarity’s questions on integration, disclosure and regulation
We won’t survive the ESG odyssey by aiming for complete precision in our climate investing modelling – uncertainty and probability should be placed at the heart of the agenda
NZAOA calling on investors to phase out support for fossil fuels
Companies need to futureproof their business by getting ahead on reporting