Moving away from ‘star’ fund managers will improve diversity
Industry shares tips, mistakes and lessons learnt at City Hive Fearless Woman event
Industry shares tips, mistakes and lessons learnt at City Hive Fearless Woman event
Natasha Turner is in Sharm el-Sheikh delivering the latest announcements and reaction for ESG Clarity
Natasha Turner will be in Sharm el-Sheikh delivering the latest announcements and reaction for ESG Clarity
Clean energy and clean tech funds drew the strongest inflows
Fund selectors indicate where they would welcome more variety in product offerings
Groups will need to apply for new objectives to fit SDR labels
Global sustainable funds attracted $22.5bn of net new money while wider market shed $198bn
Some 96% of sustainable fund flows were into passive strategies, according to Morningstar
Companies are consistently failing to undertake human rights due diligence and identify forced labour in supply chains
Wallace also discusses the energy transition and the just transition
Reboot survey finds inappropriate jokes and racial slurs are commonplace
The FCA listened, now it has delivered