ESG Out Loud: Getting the industry ready for tomorrow’s investors

In this podcast, Investment20/20’s Karis Stander discusses common misconceptions and making sure the industry is relatable to young people

Karis Stander

In the September episode of ESG Out Loud, the podcast for PA Future, Natalie Kenway speaks to Karis Stander, managing director of Investment20/20 and director of culture, talent and inclusion at the Investment Association, about the need for the investment industry to be visible and relatable to young people.

Addressing the common misconceptions about the industry, which Stander noted as being “cutthroat”, “male-dominated” and “obsessed with people that are super at maths”, she explains how the Investment20/20 scheme is bridging the gap between investments and young people, especially those in underrepresented communities, and making sure they understand what the industry does in terms of value to society and value to them – “tomorrow’s investors”.

Further, the scheme, now in its 11th year, focuses on attracting and developing talent from diverse backgrounds, with Stander explaining how drives a more responsible and inclusive investment industry.

Listen to the latest episode above.

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To find out more on Investment20/20’s scheme for roles in investment management click here.

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