ESG Out Loud: ‘We’re optimistic there’s enough interest for an LGBTQ+ fund launch’

Rob Edwards discusses Morningstar’s index focused on LGBTQ+ leaders in this month’s podcast for Pride

director of product management, ESG indexes, Morningstar


Part of the hope of creating an index focused on companies who’re leaders in LGBTQ+ inclusion is to encourage best practice, said Rob Edwards, global director of ESG product management at Morningstar indexes, in the latest ESG Out Loud podcast.

Edwards also discusses data challenges in the space – with data providers “not that focused” on LGBTQ+ data collection – as well as the strategy behind Morningstar’s latest index, the Developed Markets LGBTQ+ Leaders Index.

He also suggests reasons why social funds with a dedicated LGBTQ+ investment lens have yet to be successful, and asserts that interest in the theme needs to be coupled with the desire to “be in this space for the long run”.

Listen to the latest episode above.

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