BlackRock hits back at ShareAction report while halting meetings with investee companies
The asset manager championed its voting record while simultaneously backing away from engagement meetings
BNP Paribas Asset Management (BNPP AM) is BNP Paribas Group’s dedicated asset management business that employs more than 3 000 people in more than 30 countries, including a large commercial presence in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. BNPP AM manages EUR 524 billion* of assets serving individual, corporate and institutional clients in more than 60 countries. We offer investment solutions for individual investors (through internal distributors within BNP Paribas Group and external distributors), and corporate and institutional investors including insurance companies, pension funds and official institutions. We offer portfolio investment expertise in line with clients’ long-term sustainable performance expectations, including active, conviction-based strategies, multiassets and systematic & quantitative investments, liquidity solutions, emerging markets and private assets.
Our purpose is to achieve long-term sustainable returns for our clients, by placing sustainability at the heart of our strategy and investment philosophy. Understanding and supporting the transition to a sustainable economy is a core objective. It guides our strategy, our culture, our structure, our products, our processes, the way we engage with our clients and with the companies and the markets we invest in.
BNPP AM’s sustainability journey began in 2002 with the launch of our first socially responsible investment fund. We joined the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) shortly afterwards, and in 2006 we were a founding signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). In 2012, we introduced and implemented the United Nations Global Compact Principles as a standard across our investment funds and in 2015 we committed to aligning our portfolios with the Paris Agreement.
In 2019, we launched our first Global Sustainability Strategy, underpinning the pillars of our sustainability approach. In 2021, having sufficiently progressed our transition to put sustainability at the heart of what we do, we adopted our new tagline ‘The sustainable investor for a changing world’. The same year, we launched our comprehensive Biodiversity Roadmap and supported the launch of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
We strengthened our commitment to the Paris Agreement by joining the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative and published our Net Zero Roadmap in 2022, covering our 10 commitments spanning our investments, stewardship, and operations. We also announced the launch of Nature Action 100 at COP15, a collaborative initiative with the objective of reversing nature loss. Our ambitious integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into our product offerings has resulted in more than 90% of our European-domiciled open-ended funds’ assets under management (AUM) being categorised as Article 8 or 9* under the SFDR (as of December 2023).
Our purpose is to achieve long-term returns for our clients, by placing sustainability at the heart of our strategy and investment philosophy. We seek to minimise the adverse impacts of our investments, use our influence to help shape a better future, and allocate capital towards companies that are contributing to positive change. The dialogue established with our clients on sustainable investing is essential, and we also need to consider their sustainability-related preferences. To do this efficiently, it is important to provide our sales and client service representatives with the right tools, in a variety of formats, to enable relevant and useful engagement. We have an important role to play in bringing our clients along the sustainability journey.
ESG: Environment, Social, Governance,
*SFDR Article 8: Funds that promote environmental or social characteristics and SFDR Article 9: Funds that have sustainable investment as their objectives
The asset manager championed its voting record while simultaneously backing away from engagement meetings
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Ensuring that sustainability remains value-driven without diluting accountability