Engagement: Are fund managers avoiding the hard questions?
It’s tempting for them to go for quick wins to demonstrate a company’s sustainability improvements and avoid divestment
It’s tempting for them to go for quick wins to demonstrate a company’s sustainability improvements and avoid divestment
We need to do better to empower the gatekeepers of a sustainable system
Stewardship of biocultural resilience enhances investors’ ability to manage systematic and systemic risks
‘I would be surprised if any group were in a hurry to change the disclosures of its funds again until there is stability’
Private and public capital will be crucial to addressing challenges in this sector
In 1914, Henry Ford more than doubled workers’ wages to $5 a day and shortened the workday to eight hours
Centrally planned sustainability risks crowding out the enlightened investment it seeks to support
Consider the firm’s approach and metrics but also what clients want and need to know
Investors must ask how they can escalate involvement on modern slavery engagement
‘None of the SDR requirements are rocket science, but they do require a real commitment to sustainability’
Taskforce member James Alexander outlines objectives and where policymakers must direct attention
We want our culture to reflect our values