PA Future digital magazine June 2024
A special issue focused on water
A special issue focused on water
Transparency Task Force has launched a petition to remove Woodford’s inclusion on the 2013 Birthday Honours list
M&G’s Ben Constable-Maxwell considers the economic value of the humble honeybee
David Zahn is seeing a more diversified issuers moving into green bonds
The two organisations will work together to optimise how GRI and ISSB Standards can be used together
Amid greater demand for products in the sector
Sustainable investors want a government strategy that responds to US Inflation Reduction Act
35.4% of votes favoured discontinuing the trust
Exclusive: Schroders portfolio consists of companies advancing the UN SDGs
Emma Wall shares what she learned about fair working conditions and pay on farms as part of a CCLA visit to a strawberry farm
An investor can rarely claim unilateral credit for how the company has decided to act, writes PGIM’s global head of ESG
A Clarity AI study has found Article 8 funds are most affected by the ESMA naming rules