SBTi ‘rattles’ staff with consultation on use of carbon offsets in tackling Scope 3 emissions
SBTi employees have reportedly pushed back saying decision ‘undermines confidence’ in SBTI standards
SBTi employees have reportedly pushed back saying decision ‘undermines confidence’ in SBTI standards
Comes as stakeholders seek greater transparency on nature and biodiversity impact
Asian Bond fund will change into a transition investing-ready vehicle
Switching from a ‘fund-to-funds’ model to a ‘line-by-line’ structure
Year-on-year surge in assets directed towards Article 8 and 9 in 2023
Richard Fernand says latest certificate introduces a ‘cohort model’ for learners to interact and exchange ideas
Guide published to galvanise sector-wide efforts to plug the funding gap
Report by AIGCC finds struggles in effectively managing climate risks
Entries close 14 June with awards ceremony being held in October
MSCI estimated companies are on track to burn through their global carbon budget for limiting temperature increases to 1.5C by July 2026
Transition planning seen as a ‘key tool’ to increase momentum for transition finance
To deliver measurable social and environmental impact within its Impact fund