SFDR may deter the greenwashers but will it be the source of more confusion?
Concerns over ‘vague and imprecise’ detail in new sustainable disclosure legislation but still an ‘important step’
Concerns over ‘vague and imprecise’ detail in new sustainable disclosure legislation but still an ‘important step’
Alliance Bernstein’s global head of responsible investing discusses the Global ESG Improvers Strategy
Automatic enrolment scheme directs funds to renewable energy infrastructure
The bank has tabled a resolution that commits it to phasing out financing of coal-fired power and thermal coal mining
Evidence points to the fact women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement
PRI and LSEG guide maps net-zero initiatives and frameworks together and initiative signatories show how to get involved
Square Mile head of consulting says fund reporting for investors is an area where there is still room for much improvement
Mobius Capital Partners has created the ESG+C framework separating corporate culture as a distinct category from ESG
It’s becoming harder for businesses to justify refusals to bind ESG rhetoric to action
Net Zero Investment Framework 1.0 launched with guidance for asset managers
Recovery plays set to benefit from $3trn EU green stimulus, according to Bloomberg
The three ESAs have set out the timeline for future implementation of the next phases of SFDR