Who topped Refinitiv’s Sustainable Finance League Tables?
Covers green bonds, social bonds and sustainability-linked bonds or loans, as well equity market issuance and M&A deals
Covers green bonds, social bonds and sustainability-linked bonds or loans, as well equity market issuance and M&A deals
Allfunds has joined the United Nations’ corporate sustainability initiative Global Compact
Interest driven by commitments from large institutional investors and increasing regulatory pressures
Equality Group CEO Hephzi Pemberton shares reasons behind the report A New Frontier: LGBT+ Lens Investing for the 2020s, due to be released in autumn
Morningstar IM’s Leslie Alba shares the challenges of working remotely and also learning remotely as she continues her MBA studies
Nordea AM’s Eric Pedersen looks at the companies in need of investor dialogue, identifying the meat industry as a ‘dangerous hot spot’
Supporters of ESG investing are worried a rule proposed by the US Labor Department will discourage racial justice and ignores evidence that retirees would do better ESG investing criteria
Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter have highlighted how much needs to change to improve gender and ethnic diversity
Climate benchmarks will address the risk of ‘greenwashing’ and contribute to an increased level of transparency and comparability
The International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE) launched this week
AXA IM Stewardship Report reveals highest ever number of engagements during H1 2020
Climate change will have a profound impact on investment returns over the next 30 years, though not all markets will be affected equally, writes Schroders’ chief economist Keith Wade