European companies to miss net zero carbon target
Businesses put €124bn into low carbon investments in 2019
Businesses put €124bn into low carbon investments in 2019
The regulator is considering whether further guidance on reporting requirements may be needed
Investors must hold company bosses to account on climate change risks, the PLSA warned
“Arguments are tipping in favour of corporate green bonds,” claims NNIP
Investors expect to increase their investments in opportunities with strong environmental, social and governance metrics
Leaving major financial risks unaccounted for in investor and corporate strategies
Nearly half of Europe’s largest Nordic investors are engaging in impact investing
Fund invests in companies offering products or services to solve an environmental or social challenge
Partnership will offer insight on stewardship and governance
New checklist is designed to help companies disclose more meaningful ESG data
The group’s Real Assets division is stepping up its climate change efforts
ESG investors should consider securitised assets, to manage fixed income exposures, report suggests