SDGs vulnerable to misuse, warns fund group
Asset managers must focus on how they achieve better results
Asset managers must focus on how they achieve better results
The fund group assesses and monitors companies using a proprietary ESG scorecard system
Octopus entered the renewables market in 2010
Matthew Jensen will oversee the implementation of a firm-wide ESG programme
Two new sustainable quantitative solutions offer exposure to emerging markets
A shareholder proposal has been filed ahead of the bank’s next AGM
The country will become the first emerging market country to do so
The $1bn fund has signed up to the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare
The two new hires are part the ESG data provider’s global growth plans
A survey of some 1,100 people worldwide found millennial ESG appetite is still voracious
Money continues to flow into dedicated ESG passive products
The latest Responsible Ratings Index shows funds from Fidelity, Lindsell Train and Pictet topping the list