Investor group confronts food brands over disclosures
FAIRR is challenging 25 food retailers on the quality of their sustainability reporting
FAIRR is challenging 25 food retailers on the quality of their sustainability reporting
Bank of England governor will play a key role in efforts to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement
Oil and gas giant still ‘inherently exposed’ to climate risks, S&P warns
Climate transition risks rise on German asset manager’s investment agenda
It is now possible to align strategies with the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement
The research is backed by the PRI, the UNEP FI, the Generation Foundation and law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Company pay has topped the list of issues shareholders feel most strongly about
The move is part of a campaign to increase ESG transparency
There are more funds run by men named David than there are female fund managers
The fund group has ploughed £1m into the world’s largest recycler of coffee grounds
According to a new sustainability report, ESG in bonds is more important than ever
Group claims it has seen a marked increase in advisers adopting defensive positions