Attitude shift means pensions are prioritising ESG
New regulations from the FCA have influenced how pension trustees think about sustainability issues
New regulations from the FCA have influenced how pension trustees think about sustainability issues
The German fund group improved its score in three of the nine key categories assessed by the PRI in 2019
The company said that moving to a sustainable investment approach across its entire fund range is a significant milestone
Nordea Asset Management has put bond purchases on hold because it claims the Amazon has lost more than 1,330 square miles of forest since Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro took office
The world’s top meat and dairy producers are not matching the climate commitments of the high-street food companies they supply
Aspada manages the assets of the SONG Fund, a venture capital firm backed by the Soros Economic Development Fund, Omidyar Network and Google
A poll of nearly 300 professional investors found that environmental factors are now considered the most likely to influence investment performance
Fund managers are also responsible for setting expectations on how companies should disclose ESG information, says SSGA
Durham University research warns investors and capital markets need to change thinking to achieve the SDGs
Mirjam Groten will help businesses prepare environmental, social and governance reports and with sustainability reporting
Pressure from shareholders is feeding through to executive remuneration, says trade body
PRI members have asked the organisation to draw up a reporting template that aligns with the UN’s sustainable development goals