Principled investors drive responsible investing growth
Nearly two thirds of retail investors are now switched on to sustainable investment, survey finds
Nearly two thirds of retail investors are now switched on to sustainable investment, survey finds
ESG investing in China is largely driven by international investors, as domestic fund managers and institutions are still trying to understand the concept, according to a CFA report
Investors have welcomed the UK government’s ambitious environmental plans
Alex Molvin has worked as both an investment manager and a chief executive officer in his portfolio career
Calls for a global regulatory approach to cut investor costs
The company’s new recruit will take up the position in September 2019
Investors are frustrated by the quality of company reporting data on environmental and social issues
Fund will invest in companies in energy efficiency, renewable energy, recycling, waste and water management
Companies need to do more to anticipate how climate change will impact their business in the years to come
All of the firm’s EM fixed income products are expected to be ESG compliant this year
Politics and regulation can be a tailwind for the renewables sector, claim fund managers
‘Shell thinks it can keep increasing its emissions’ says lobby group Follow This