Advisers fear mis-selling allegations from ESG investors
Potential ‘greenwashing’ unsettles professional investors
Potential ‘greenwashing’ unsettles professional investors
Assets in ESG ETF products globally have almost doubled since 2016, but not one of the products is authorised for sale in Greater China.
Indices derived from large- and mid-cap segment of equivalent market benchmark and use Sustainalytics ratings
The British fund group monitors global climate efforts in its quarterly investment report
Explicit reference to ESG in revised UK Stewardship Code a win for campaigners
Bond fund managers are not as focussed on climate issues as their equity fund counterparts, report finds
“The PRI is not just focused on numbers,” says chief executive officer Fiona Reynolds
The existing business models of global fast food companies could be threatened by global warming, investors claim
Strong suspicion but little concrete evidence that firms are ‘greenwashing’ investments
Asset manager is signed up to UN PRI and UK Stewardship Code
The Big Exchange aims to make a difference in society while giving access to ethical, low cost investments
The Investment Association has become the latest trade group seeking to help investors navigate the growing market for ESG-aware products