ESG investing not black and white
Fund selectors need to help clients understand the implications of sustainable investing as harm can still be caused
Fund selectors need to help clients understand the implications of sustainable investing as harm can still be caused
Shareholder proposals submitted to companies ahead of annual general meetings have risen sharply in the past five years
Irish fund group NTR has secured commitments from Legal & General Capital, Brunel Pension Partnership and the European Investment Bank
An analysis of Swiss companies by Evenlode Investments found five major corporations using ESG to improve investor returns
Only one in five board positions at financial companies are occupied by females, a report shows
The launch dovetails with the Qatar National Vision 2030 development plan, which is promoting the adoption of sustainable values
An analysis by research group ETFGI found $873m invested in the top 20 ESG exchange traded funds
The Dutch fund management group says that regulators will take stronger action on climate change in 2019
Despite more than £16 billion of UK retail funds sitting in ethical strategies, no universal definition exists for this set of funds
Whistleblowing complaints to the regulator about sexual misconduct up 300%
The British Strategic Investment Fund’s latest acquisition comes a year after its first renewable energy investment
Can investors trust workforce diversity as an indicator of good outperformance?