‘Alarming’ UK water issues require rigorous regulation
For investment managers, engagement is one way to influence and public interest can help determine priorities
For investment managers, engagement is one way to influence and public interest can help determine priorities
Ahead of SDR the UK regulator spotlights ESG inconsistency, and lack of stewardship and governance, in retail funds
Ahead of COP28 Holly Downes speaks to campaigners calling for fossil fuel divestment and financial system rethinks
This is unlikely to change, and reflects a diversity of views
MSCI study finds decarbonisation slowing as companies emit 12.4 gigatons more GHG than last year
Fashion Engagement Equities Strategy is classified as Article 8 under SFDR
Six measures by which a sovereign issuer may be ruled in or out
Sector-specific guidance intended to help preparers interpret the final TPT disclosure framework
Survey finds DEI ranks second but majority are not allocating funds to address it
Agency has calculated investment of €520bn a year is needed until 2030
The country’s digital infrastructure has expanded significantly
Nine groups say EER risks being used to justify high levels of finance for fossil fuel companies