Fund in focus: LGIM index’s light-touch exclusions won’t be for everyone
But Hargreaves Lansdown’s Dominic Rowles says it can act as a backbone for many responsible investment portfolios
But Hargreaves Lansdown’s Dominic Rowles says it can act as a backbone for many responsible investment portfolios
13% admit they do not know what the directives are
Providing a framework for investors in this critical sector
First issue for our education hub explains five of the biggest topics in sustainable investing right now
Global head of sustainable investment says engagement is key to meeting portfolio alignment targets
Some boards shunned Quilter Cheviot’s questions about their governance and engagement
Fidelity’s Sustainable range of funds totals 59 strategies and $36.64bn
Investment organisations are encouraged to differentiate themselves through values and culture
Management teams are increasingly recognising the need to improve ESG risk profiles and reporting practices
Syntax is vital for creating an inclusive industry
And FRC appoints head of stewardship
Chief sustainability officer explores the need for rules and frameworks about the use of AI