‘Credibility of the COP process is on the line’
Federated Hermes CEO says concrete action is of the essence
Federated Hermes CEO says concrete action is of the essence
Pollination’s MD encourages investors to engage with blended finance
Shortlists across asset classes
Auditors say they are in compliance with standards but ‘urge stakeholders to bring about change’
Aegon’s Emma Hall on finding joy in small changes and what stuck with her from the ‘Jaws of Death’ speech
Fund tracks Societe Generale’s SGI European Green Deal index
Eight founding firms have set up workstreams around three themes
Lawyers say decision ‘will not sound the death knell for shareholder ESG activism’
CEO describes a conversation with another woman in the industry that has stuck with her
With the sector under scrutiny due to ongoing pollution, responsible investors have a duty to challenge and support
How can burning biological matter be sustainable or carbon neutral?
Insight Investment and University of Oxford announce inaugural prize recipients