Eurizon AM establishes sustainability team

The Italian fund group said it is responding to investors’ demands


Joe McGrath

Italian investment group Eurizon Asset Management has expanded its operations, building two specialist divisions and recruiting three new team members.

The Milan-based fund manager has expanded its investment department, establishing one team focused on fundamental research and analysis, and another dedicated to corporate governance and sustainability.

“We are deploying more resources to some of the business areas we believe will be most sustainable in the future,” Tommaso Corcos, chief executive officer of Eurizon said.

“With the creation of the new Corporate Governance & Sustainability and Fundamental Research teams, we not only intend to support and integrate ESG analysis but also to increasingly serve as active and responsible investors with respect to the companies in our portfolios.”

Simone Chelini has been appointed as head of corporate governance and sustainability. He was previously the management committee coordinator for the Italian Asset Management Association, Assogestioni.

Francesco Sedati will lead the new Fundamental Research unit, which will focus on the analysis of developed market equities. Sedati was previously at JP Morgan Asset Management, based in London.

Finally, the company has confirmed the appointment of Guido Crivellaroto to the Italian equities team. Crivellaro previously worked at Symphonia SGR as head of equity portfolios for Italy.

“We are extremely pleased to have added these highly qualified professionals to our group,” said company chief executive officer, Corcos. “Their arrival further expands the range of world-class expertise within the Eurizon management team.”

Eurizon Asset Management, is a brand owned by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. Eurizon has 25 specialist sustainable and responsible investment products with just shy of €6bn of assets under management.