Hermes’ Parry is heading to Newton

The BNY Mellon-owned business calls the appointment ‘hugely valuable’


Joe McGrath

Hermes Investment Management’s head of sustainable investment is to join Newton Investment Management on 14 October 2019.

Known for his considerably body of work at Hermes, Andrew Parry has an impressive career history, having held roles including head of equities and impact investing at Hermes, and as CEO of Hermes Sourcecap.

Prior to his work with Hermes, Parry was chief investment officer of global equities at Northern Trust Global Investments, head of equities at Julius Baer Investment Management, chief investment officer of Lazard Brothers Asset Managers, and head of UK equities at Barings.

In a statement, Curt Custard, chief investment officer at Newton Investment Management, recognised the talent that Newton had managed to secure.

“Andrew’s hire underpins the strategic importance and commitment that Newton places on responsible and sustainable investment,” he said. “Andrew’s experience in responsible and sustainable investment will be hugely valuable as we continue to develop our offering in response to our clients’ needs.”

Parry will be tasked with growing Newton’s sustainable investment business and overseeing the company’s sustainable investment strategies, as well as taking charge of responsible investment messaging in client communications.

“We have a long track record and heritage embedding ESG across our investment strategies and in developing leading responsible investment capabilities, having been evolving our approach since inception in 1978,” Custard added.

As at the end of August 2019, Newton IM had some £3.3 billion of assets under management on a sustainable or ethical basis. It is part of the wider BNY Mellon group of companies.