In conversation with the TCFD: ‘It seemed the right time to wind down’

Secretariat member Curtis Ravenel reflects on eight years developing climate disclosures

Curtis Ravenel


Set up as an 18-month project at COP21, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) will be hanging up its hat after eight years following the announcement that the IFRS Foundation will be taking over the monitoring of company progress on climate disclosures.

Joining the ESG Out Loud podcast to reflect on the evolution of the taskforce’s work over that time and what’s next on the horizon is TCFD secretariat member Curtis Ravenel.

“The success of the TCFD was remarkable,” he says in this episode, which you can listen to above or on Apple Podcasts or Soundcloud.

“We have done our work and now we’re moving onto the next thorny problem…it seemed the right time to wind down.”

In this episode, Ravenel also discusses the progress on transition plan frameworks and what we might expect from COP28 this year, as well as responding to criticism surrounding the speed, alignment and robustness of disclosure frameworks.

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