Over 50% of investors are engaged with the impact private debt sector
Over 100 private debt strategies now target key environmental and social themes
Over 100 private debt strategies now target key environmental and social themes
ESG litigation and regulatory upheaval were also among key topics addressed by law firm Macfarlanes
Adaptation solutions are seeing increased demand following the LA wildfires
Article 8 and Article 9 funds reached €6.1trn, accounting for 60% of the total market share, according to Morningstar Sustainalytics
Exclusionary practices can complement and reinforce ESG integration strategies, according to the latest EDHEC report
Only 45% of climate-focused public funding goes towards nature-based solutions, according to FAIRR’s latest report
Difficulty in measuring impact and inconsistent regulations are the biggest barriers
Public health, AI and biodiversity are earmarked as top engagement priorities but investors will need to demonstrate resilience amid challenges
PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey finds optimism among global business leaders
With mental health and worker rights concerns, it is a ‘balancing act between making a lot of money and wanting to be a good citizen’
Managers say businesses forging ahead on sustainable investing are largely self-motivated rather than responding to governmental initiatives
Transition plans improve the monitoring of climate-related financial risks, but more work is needed