Three out-of-the-box metrics from fund managers
Fund managers are looking at more obscure metrics in their investment analysis
Fund managers are looking at more obscure metrics in their investment analysis
‘More activity’ has become the dominant narrative but this misses the point, according to WHEB’s white paper
Annual progress report details progress towards decarbonisation targets among asset owners
Solar PV, wind and utility-scale batteries set to outcompete incumbents
GSS bond issuance has experienced its most active period since the market’s inception
Report highlights concerns over risks around data protection and privacy
‘A whole systems thinking approach’ is needed to be successful in accelerating the transition to a green economy
‘Growing mainstream acceptance’ of impact investing, according to GIIN
‘It’s still early days for biodiversity investments’
Latest analysis from Earth Insight reveals extent of industrial overlap with important areas of conservation
Female investors could up financial service revenues by $700bn, but wealth managers are overlooking this untapped demographic
Private market investors are realising the potential to ‘unlock social and financial change’ in the various approaches to gender-lens investing