Over 50% of investors are engaged with the impact private debt sector

Over 100 private debt strategies now target key environmental and social themes

Impact investing words with charts on the wall.


Holly Downes

Over 50% of investors are currently engaged in, or planning to pursue, impact investing, according to the latest bfinance report.

The report – DNA of a Manager Search: Impact Private Debt – looked at how the impact investing landscape has developed over the past two years. Specifically, it highlights the opportunities and challenges found within impact private debt investing through found the impact private debt sector.

It found that impact AUM has grown by 14% over the past five years, and the impact investing landscape has experienced rapid expansion, with over 100 strategies now targeting sustainability themes. This includes corporate direct lending, infrastructure debt and natural capital debt.

However, while the percentage of investors engaged or planning to engage in impact investing is promising, the proportion has only increased by 2% over the past two years. The report attributes this to implementation issues, and looks into the differences between impact and conventional strategies. This includes a greater portfolio concentration, smaller investee company size and a larger proportion of unsponsored debt, while considering the key debates faced during effective due diligence.

The largest challenges faced by investors are cited as ‘impact-washing’ – when fund managers overstate or falsely claim an investment’s positive impact on the environment or society – and the complexities of due diligence. The report raises several issues that managers face, and what questions they can ask to assess if a fund investment will deliver impact.

It concludes impact-oriented investors can access a wide range of strategies across private debt – including direct lending and infrastructure debt – and that impact investment requires more complex fund manager due diligence, such as developing the skills to assess if an asset manager is ‘impact-washing’.

Sarita Gosrani, director of ESG and responsible investment at bfinance, said: “It’s been great to see the rapid development in this asset class, although there is certainly some work to be done on what can truly be classed as impact. Nevertheless, our work really highlighted the scope of opportunity for both managers and investors looking to invest with purpose.”