Pictet adds climate sovereign bond fund

Allocating capital to countries based on their approach to managing carbon emissions


Pictet has launched a climate government bond fund, classified as Article 9 under SFDR.

Aimed at institutional and wholesale investors, the Pictet-Global Climate Government Bond Fund is a sovereign bond vehicle investing across developed and emerging markets by allocating capital to countries based on their approach to managing carbon emissions.

Senior portfolio manager for the fund Ella Hoxha (pictured) said: “Fixed income investors have a key part to play in providing the capital required to keep climate change in check. While individually, investors have a negligible influence on government policy, collectively they can make a real difference.

“Our portfolio will be allocated differently to standard global bond indices offering investors a more diversified portfolio with a lower carbon footprint. There are few comparable funds available to investors today.”

The fund is a Luxembourg SICAV and is registered for sale in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and Singapore.