In this special episode of ESG Out Loud recording from Glasgow ESG Clarity deputy editor Natasha Turner speaks with nine industry experts over the course of COP26 about “radical collaboration”, carbon pricing, youth voices and more.
Listen here to Jill Jackson, CEO of The Big Exchange talk about making the pledges understandable for consumers.
Henry Fernandez, CEO of MSCI discusses his week of activities at the conference.
Paul LaCoursiere, global head of ESG investments at Janus Henderson Investors explains why differing viewpoints are a good thing.
Raising investor voices, as well as listening to youth an underrepresented voices are key to Sagarika Chatterjee, director of climate change at the Principles for Responsible Investment.
Eugenia Unanyants-Jackson, principal and the head of ESG research at PGIM Fixed Income gives two key takeaways from the conference and how to put investment pledges into practice.
Jodie Tapscott, director of strategy, responsible investing at AB says she is really energised by COP26 this year, particularly the focus on carbon markets.
Rebeca Minguela, founder and CEO of Clarity AI is excited about the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero but says the challenge will be in finding the right expertise.
The presence of corporates at COP26 is discussed by UKSIF CEO James Alexander.
Eoin Fahy, head of responsible investing and chief economist at KBI Global Investors talks about the two sides of the coin when reflecting on the first week of the conference.