Premier recruits responsible investment boss from HSBC

The firm’s new recruit will have responsibility for developing and integrating the company’s sustainable investment policy


Joe McGrath

Premier Asset Management has appointed its new head of responsible investing from HSBC Global Asset Management.

Helene Winch will take up the role in September 2019 and has been tasked with overseeing and developing the company’s responsible investing strategy. She will work to integrate ESG factors into the fund firm’s investment philosophy and processes. In addition, she will work closely with the investment team of the Premier Ethical Fund.

“The asset management industry is at an important point in embracing environmental, social and governance criteria as a core part of how it operates and invests on behalf of clients,” Neil Birrell, chief investment officer of Premier Asset Management, said.

“Premier believes that asset management firms have a key role to play in harnessing their clients’ assets to create a more sustainable economy and society.”

Winch has spent more than 20 years in the investment industry working at senior level at HSBC GAM, the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment and BT Pension Scheme Management. She also holds post-graduate level qualifications in Engineering Science and Maths & Finance.

“Helene has considerable experience and expertise in the area of responsible investing, and she will play a key role in developing our approach to responsible investing across our broader investment platform and for our specialist ethical investment product,” Birrell added.

Winch recognised the ‘increasing client focus’ on sustainable investing in a statement announcing her appointment.

She said: “This an exciting time for investment firms such as Premier, as we continue to integrate responsible investing, covering ESG factors including sustainability and climate change, into our investment approach.”