Sustainable seas: The role investors can play in marine conservation

Investing in sustainable ocean-based initiatives can help protect one of our planet’s most vital resources, writes Amy Clarke

Amy Clarke, chief impact officer, Tribe Impact Capital


The health of our oceans is critical to the well-being of our planet. Oceans help regulate the climate, provide food sources, and support biodiversity. Investors have an opportunity to help protect our oceans from things like pollution, overfishing and climate change by aligning their investment portfolios with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Life Below Water. Goal 14 aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.  

Investing in ocean-related activities, also known as the blue economy, is picking up significant momentum. The volume of investment in the Blue Economy has increased more than threefold over the past 10 years.

Key focus areas for investors

1. Supporting companies reducing marine pollution

One of the most pressing issues facing our oceans is pollution. Plastics, agrichemicals, and other waste, light, and noise are contaminating marine environments, harming wildlife, and disrupting ecosystems.

Investors can support companies that are taking steps to reduce marine pollution by championing solutions that prevent waste from entering the environment or removing material which has already been released. One focus area could be “cradle-to-cradle” design tenants, which are products built with end-of-life in mind. Another area of opportunity is in the precision application of chemicals, lowering input costs while reducing nutrient pollution. Waste management, treatment, or recycling services which prevent waste from causing harm are also potential opportunities for investment.

2. Promoting sustainable fishing

Investors can promote sustainable fishing practices by supporting companies involved in the seafood industry that prioritise sustainability. Overfishing is depleting fish populations and damaging marine ecosystems. This includes investing in companies which source from sustainable fisheries, embed robust traceability systems, or grow low-impact seafood such as shellfish. Investors should look for businesses that adopt certifications such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label to ensure their products are sustainably sourced. Supporting companies that play a role in educating consumers about the importance of choosing sustainably sourced seafood and the impact of their choices on marine ecosystems is also crucial.

3. Investing in marine conservation projects

Investing in marine conservation projects can have a significant impact on the health of our oceans. Investors can increasingly access projects aimed at habitat restoration, protection and sustainable use. Funding research and innovation in marine conservation to develop new solutions for protecting ocean health, such as technologies for monitoring marine environments or restoring damaged ecosystems is also additive. Working with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), governments, and other stakeholders can help spread best practices and build networks and expertise for conservation efforts in many places.

4. Driving innovation and economic growth

The ocean generates 50% of the oxygen we breathe. Protecting our oceans is not only an environmental imperative but an economic necessity. Investors who allocate capital to sustainable practices and marine conservation can drive innovation, create new markets, and maintain profitability in existing nature-dependant industries. The blue economy, which includes activities such as fisheries, aquaculture and offshore wind, are essential in contributing to a low carbon transition economy. Investors can tap into these opportunities by supporting companies developing sustainable products and services. 

Sustainable practices can enhance the long-term viability of businesses by ensuring the health of the natural resources they depend on. This leads to more resilient supply chains and reduces risks associated with environmental degradation.

Sustainable seas

Aligning investments with SDG 14 not only helps protect marine ecosystems but also drives innovation, safeguards profitability, and contributes to long-term economic growth. The blue economy provides over 30 million jobs and is a vital source of protein to three billion people. Opportunities exist for investors to align themselves with sustainable ocean-based investments through different areas like pollution reduction, habitat protection, decarbonisation, and sustainable fishing.

Investing in sustainable ocean-based initiatives can help protect one of our planet’s most vital resources. This paves the way for a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations.