Are questionnaires really a suitable substitute for an honest client/adviser conversation?
Rebecca Kowalski questions the use of questionnaires, warning they can generate ‘imperfect outcomes’
Rebecca Kowalski questions the use of questionnaires, warning they can generate ‘imperfect outcomes’
Sustainability Principles Charter signatories set to adopt a singular survey advisers can use to assess sustainability credentials
Rebecca Kowalski says junior professionals have the capacity to maximise the potential of sustainable finance
Ensuring values and risk appetite are reflected in portfolios, and five tips for advisers
Jonathan Griffiths, investment product manager at the DFM, says firms can choose to surf the AI wave or be washed away by it
Joins from Allianz Global Investors
Ita McMahon discusses engagement progress, training for the anti-greenwashing rule and more sophisticated conversations with clients
Eight new firms sign up to engagement initiative
Global Returns Project’s Rachel Derrick highlights the unmet demand for advice in the philanthropic and sustainable wealth management markets
Quilter Cheviot’s Gemma Woodward explains how advisers can navigate Consumer Duty and SDR
Rebecca Kowalski, company director at Overstory Finance, sets out the priorities for the Sustainability Working Group for Advisers
Two emerging initiatives to help banish the winter blues