Green Dream with Castlefield’s McMahon: We have been exercising our right to vote against sustainability committees
Ita McMahon discusses engagement progress, training for the anti-greenwashing rule and more sophisticated conversations with clients
Ita McMahon discusses engagement progress, training for the anti-greenwashing rule and more sophisticated conversations with clients
As Sarasin & Partners’ Landell-Mills discusses if an oil and gas company can align with net zero
Rathbones’ Matt Crossman looks at how machine learning is supporting renewable energy and helping to bridge cultural barriers
Companies making almost no progress on transition despite climate emergency
Steil’s Act would be bad for investors, giving companies more power over what can and cannot be discussed
David Shugar, manager of the Say on Climate initiative, on the crucial role shareholders can play
Schroders-owned wealth firm pens six-point letter to 93 asset managers overseeing £30trn AUM
Shareholders deploy new tactics to force change at polluting companies
Shareholders deploy new tactics to force change at polluting companies
Latest climate plan is ‘one of the weakest in the European banking sector’
Seth Bernstein and Michelle Dunstan explain how they build trust in engagement
Oil and gas giant says shareholders would have interfered with company strategy