Climate funds pass milestone
More than half of global AUM are in funds committed to climate goals.
More than half of global AUM are in funds committed to climate goals.
$43trn in assets now represented by the initiative – nearly half all funds managed globally in the asset management sector
The shift towards a low-carbon economy will be faster than many investors expect.
Amundi and IFC report explores natural language processes as a way to enhance ESG reporting
Investors in emerging markets (EM) should apply artificial intelligence (AI) to unstructured data for better ESG analysis, says a report from Amundi and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Some 55 finance firms now back Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
Amundi head of ESG research, voting and engagement talks about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to stewardship
Last year 174 new green bonds came to the market in EMs
The firm has created a key sustainable officer role in Singapore.
Remuneration and climate change-related policy will be under the microscope
They are the Polen Capital Global Growth and the KBI Global Sustainable Infrastructure funds.
The products target companies with ESG-related growth potential at an early stage, according to a statement by the firm.