‘Urgent’ calls for more control over proxy voting
Anti-ESG sentiment hindering asset managers’ ability to represent diverse views
Anti-ESG sentiment hindering asset managers’ ability to represent diverse views
Investment managers battle misinformation and legal attacks
ESG Clarity’s summary of what Congress’ ESG hearings mean for asset managers
New York-based Sarah Bratton-Hughes shares her views on the anti-ESG sentiment in the States
New York-based Sarah Bratton-Hughes says sustainable strategies are showing resilience
New York-based Sarah Bratton-Hughes shares her views on the anti-ESG sentiment in the States
Shareholders deploy new tactics to force change at polluting companies
Shareholders deploy new tactics to force change at polluting companies
Follows on from successful take-up of ESG and climate programmes
Coco Zhang says ESG investors face a balancing act in the US
Says legislation passed by Congress puts retirement savings at risk
Annual letter to investors says firm just offers clients choice