US private equity expects ‘extremely positive’ ESG rules impact
Strongest level of overall optimism recorded across all the regions surveyed by PwC
Strongest level of overall optimism recorded across all the regions surveyed by PwC
PwC survey finds asset managers are planning to expand their ESG private market offerings
Goodall has nearly 20 years of experience in sustainable and impact finance
Forming the private equity component of the Net Zero Investment Framework
Forming the private equity component of the Net Zero Investment Framework
Shaw joins from State of Connecticut’s Office of the Treasurer
Shaw joins from State of Connecticut’s Office of the Treasurer
Julia Goldsworthy served as a Liberal Democrat MP and Treasury special adviser in the coalition government
Jamie Harvey, previously the fund’s lead manager, is leaving the firm
Carbon Tracker report finds 25 NZAM members invested in the sector
Carbon Tracker report finds 25 NZAM members invested in the sector
Now covering 150 of the world’s most significant countries