‘Most funds don’t explain their ESG criteria well enough’
An ESG strategy can only be taken seriously if the data that underpins it is made available, selectors argue
An ESG strategy can only be taken seriously if the data that underpins it is made available, selectors argue
Asset managers are still providing insufficient evidence to justify their ESG claims, a survey finds
Asset managers are still providing insufficient evidence to justify their ESG claims, a survey finds
Mapfre-owned investor cited as one of top five boutiques for approach to company analysis by ESG consultancy EthiFinance
Mapfre-owned investor cited as one of top five boutiques for approach to company analysis by ESG consultancy EthiFinance
Research conducted among 2,000 British adults found a growing demand for fund firms to prove their claims on impact investments
Research conducted among 2,000 British adults found a growing demand for fund firms to prove their claims on impact investments
Axa Investment Managers has renamed its gender diversity equities strategy as it seeks to compete with international rivals.
Axa Investment Managers has renamed its gender diversity equities strategy as it seeks to compete with international rivals.
The recently-acquired boutique firm seeks a substantial increase in regional asset growth over the next five years, according to Harriet Steel, global head of business development based in London.
The recently-acquired boutique firm seeks a substantial increase in regional asset growth over the next five years, according to Harriet Steel, global head of business development based in London.