Carbon and coal at COP27
This year will be less about declarations and more about implementation
This year will be less about declarations and more about implementation
SDG Low-Carbon Indices aim to make a positive contribution to the UN SDGs
ShareAction report says this financing is also detrimental to banks’ investors
A cross-agency steering group announces progress to advance the territory’s green and sustainable finance development
UKSIF says more clarity needed to become net-zero aligned financial centre
Huge opportunities for improved, scalable capture technologies
Huge opportunities for improved, scalable capture technologies
Investment industry voices at COP26
Jupiter’s Llewellyn-Waters says consider the different scopes, where they appear in the value chain, and what the implications will be
‘Offsetting in any capacity doesn’t let companies off the hook’ but allows investors to take action now
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Guangzhou Futures Exchange (GFEX) to develop carbon neutrality products.
UBQ Materials executive chair says ESG investors need to stay vigilant for companies with quick fixes