CCLA to update UK mental health benchmark
15 companies have used benchmark recommendations so far
15 companies have used benchmark recommendations so far
Fund aims to deliver a total return with a reduced environmental footprint
Tessa Younger, who joined the firm last month, has taken up the role
Statement from 10 investors with £806bn AUM says migrant workers are unfairly bearing recruitment costs
Investment industry describes how it is tackling urgent need for protections for lowest paid
Investors representing £3.2trn sign joint statement urging protection of lowest paid
Dame Sara Thornton to be a modern slavery consultant, while Dr Martin Buttle becomes lead of the ‘better work’ initiative
Assessing the progress of the world’s largest listed companies
Five key takeaways from SRI Services’ Good Money Week event on Thursday
CCLA and CIG say they will vote against executive pay rises next year if steps aren’t taken
29 groups have signed a letter to FTSE CEOs on mental health practices
Better World Global Equity Fund previously only available to charity clients