‘Time is running out’ as CO2 emissions reach record high in 2024
The carbon budget required to keep global warming at 1.5°C could be exceeded in just six years
The carbon budget required to keep global warming at 1.5°C could be exceeded in just six years
Cutting down cement emissions not only makes environmental sense, but it is also a compelling financial opportunity, writes Eric Pedersen
Will adopt the label on 1 December 2024
Individual carbon metrics are impacted by idiosyncratic biases and short-term volatility, according to LSEG report
Head of Premier Miton’s global renewables trust explains how renewables are cost effective and promote energy security
Only 14% of the FTSE 250 have Science-Based Targets initiative accreditation
Climate targets and roadmaps set by banks are not fit for purpose, says ShareAction’s latest report
Annual progress report details progress towards decarbonisation targets among asset owners
Solar PV, wind and utility-scale batteries set to outcompete incumbents
There will be a primary focus on finance contributions and adaptation, says Lombard Odier’s Ashton Parker
Federated Hermes’ Louise Dudley shares her thoughts on effectively navigating a path to net zero
‘A first-of-a-kind public-private partnership’ to ‘crowd private investment into priority net-zero sectors’