Over 30 funds approved for SDR labels as December deadline passes: What are the unintended consequences of the criteria?
‘Disappointment’ over lack of funds with Sustainability Improvers label
‘Disappointment’ over lack of funds with Sustainability Improvers label
As Robeco’s sustainability investing and engagement specialist calls for industry-wide collaboration
The label will come into effect on the 27 November
CCLA’s Modern Slavery Benchmark reveals number of financial firms in the top tier for leading on human rights innovation
‘Disappointment’ as traders pushed for delay
With just weeks away until the FCA’s next deadline, there’s still work to do to ensure SDR delivers against its end goals, writes the IA’s Carol Thomas
The two organisations aim to increase access to comparable data through environmental reporting
Changing Markets Foundation found little evidence of methane reduction targets
SEC found Invesco historically overexaggerated extent to which its AUM were ‘ESG integrated’
PwC Luxembourg’s Marcassoli says third-party sustainability assurance embedded within SFDR would set a benchmark for ESG integrity
Following the release of further guidance around fund labels, Emily Sheppard expects ‘major names’ to announce SDR label in coming weeks
Individual carbon metrics are impacted by idiosyncratic biases and short-term volatility, according to LSEG report