What’s on my COP27 wish list? A common ground for taxonomies
Morningstar’s Arthur Carabia calls on nations to ‘build bridges’
Morningstar’s Arthur Carabia calls on nations to ‘build bridges’
GTAG sets out recommendations for onshoring the technical screening criteria
Seven NGOs have filed an annulment action with the European Commission
Mikkel Bates takes a look at green taxonomies from around the world
Mikkel Bates takes a look at green taxonomies from around the world
Global reporting and data standards will enable asset managers to produce more uniform reports
Clarity AI study finds article 8 funds have 3.9% green revenues compared with an average 3.6%
Platform on Sustainable Finance proposals under scrutiny due to Ukrainian crisis
Those preparing to legally challenge taxonomy say it now breaks its own rules
UK lawmakers encouraged to learn from furore and exclude polluting energy sources from its own labelling system
Open letter ‘strongly opposes’ inclusion but some call this view too binary
Refinitiv’s Detlef Glow says parent company pressure to align funds with climate goals is one driving factor