Why anti-microbial resistance is an ESG risk investors need to be thinking about
Tackling this ‘silent pandemic’ requires a global coordinated policy
Tackling this ‘silent pandemic’ requires a global coordinated policy
Law to cover goods produced within and imported to the bloc
‘Total re-evaluation of how value is created and delivered’
At the latest Responsible Pathway event, investment managers discussed challenges around providing evidence for impact investing
A focus on mitigating greenwashing is at the core
European universe shrinks to 4,461 products after criteria tightened
European universe shrinks to 4,461 products after criteria tightened
Those preparing to legally challenge taxonomy say it now breaks its own rules
European Commission attempts to clarify regulatory position on role of contentious energy sources
EFAMA says including ‘brown activities’ in Taxonomy will allow asset managers to expand ESG product ranges
EC adopts proposals to make climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
EC adopts proposals to make climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing greenhouse gas emissions