Engagement vs exclusion in public markets
Should fund managers be blacklisting ‘sin’ stocks?
Should fund managers be blacklisting ‘sin’ stocks?
Morningstar examines Invesco Sustainable Pan European Structured Equity, a UBS ETF and Comgest Growth Europe
The Henderson EuroTrust fund manager talks through the latest EU regulation
Funds classified as Article 8/9 now total €3trn in assets but asset managers are interpreting SFDR rules differently, Hortense Bioy explains
Investee companies must have cap on revenues from coal and controversial weapons.
Withdraws from coal and controversial weapons
Reclaim Finance report finds less than half of asset managers have a public coal limitation policy
The IA UK All Companies sector has some of the most established responsible products but, writes Square Mile’s Jake Moeller, investment style – and performance – can vary wildly
Five actions ESG leaders can take over the next 12 months
Only six out of 15 global tobacco companies have expressed some form of commitment to tobacco harm reduction
Robeco exclude investments in thermal coal, oil sands and arctic drilling from all its mutual funds
Coutts targeting a 25% reduction in carbon emissions by end of 2021 and excluding coal sectors