Linking ESG to executive pay
It’s becoming harder for businesses to justify refusals to bind ESG rhetoric to action
It’s becoming harder for businesses to justify refusals to bind ESG rhetoric to action
HITE Hedge Asset Management’s James Jampel says the public will look to assign blame and extract compensation for the planet’s predicament
CEO of $8.7trn asset manager has written to clients and company management on path to net zero
Russell Investments’ Emily Steinbarth explains how investors must not focus on individual metrics on the path to decarbonisation
Coordinated by ShareAction, 15 institutional investors with a combined $2.4trn AUM have filed a climate change resolution at the UK-listed bank
Mirova’s Suzanne Sellenart shares how investors can support the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy
ESG industry welcomes Boris Johnson’s plans to cut overseas fossil fuel funding
Octopus report finds global institutional investors plan to increase allocation from 4.2% to 8.3% in five years
KGAL and Kempen Capital Management have joined finance firms pledging net-zero emissions
American loosening of climate standards could constrain the competitiveness of US exports, particularly energy–intensive ones.
Senior management from Blackrock, Aviva Investors and Federated Hermes give evidence to Treasury committee
‘HSBC’s net-zero commitment is a bit like saying you’ll give up smoking by 2050, but continuing to buy a pack a week’