Human rights risks rising for EM sovereign ESG investors
Verisk Maplecroft finds middle-income countries that make up government debt portfolios deteriorating
Verisk Maplecroft finds middle-income countries that make up government debt portfolios deteriorating
Workforce Disclosure Initiative finds 96% publicly point to policies and undertake due diligence
Barossa gas project north of Australia’s Tiwi Islands also carries “increasing financial risk”
But the warning signs were there
Church of England Pensions Board chief responsible investment officer calls on stakeholders to rethink how they invest in mining companies
Weak investor protection is one reason assets could be priced differently across autocratic and democratic countries
ESG commentators discuss challenges and tensions as the country reopens
Paul Jourdan explains the firm’s approach to human rights
Responding to feedback, changes have been made to terminology, processes and data requirements
KnowTheChain finds most companies in the sector are not conducting adequate due diligence on forced labour
From 1 January 2023 businesses must take responsibility for ESG risks in their supply chains
Readers seek out regulatory updates