FTSE Russell launches Chinese green bond indices
China was responsible for issuing some £37 billion of green bonds in 2017
China was responsible for issuing some £37 billion of green bonds in 2017
Data provided by Swiss firm RepRisk will assess the human rights approaches of 110,000 private and public companies
Data provided by Swiss firm RepRisk will assess the human rights approaches of 110,000 private and public companies
The suite excludes firms involved in coal, oil sands extraction and controversial and nuclear weapons
The suite excludes firms involved in coal, oil sands extraction and controversial and nuclear weapons
The World Benchmarking Alliance is seeking feedback on its approach to a new index that ranks seafood producers on their sustainability credentials
The World Benchmarking Alliance is seeking feedback on its approach to a new index that ranks seafood producers on their sustainability credentials
The Merseyside Pension Fund is to use a FTSE Russell index for its Climate Risk strategy
The Merseyside Pension Fund is to use a FTSE Russell index for its Climate Risk strategy
While many have tried to establish a link between ESG and financial returns, a new report suggests this may purely be dependent on the reference benchmark index
While many have tried to establish a link between ESG and financial returns, a new report suggests this may purely be dependent on the reference benchmark index
How useful are ESG indices? Are there limitations to their use? Are fund selectors and asset allocators using them correctly? We ask the CIO of one of the UK’s leading investment consultants…