Here’s how investment managers can aide the just transition
Two reports set out recommendations for the industry including engaging with companies on their supply chains
Two reports set out recommendations for the industry including engaging with companies on their supply chains
Set of 11 recommendations for G20 leaders
In the UK government’s Budget 2021, Sunak fell short of providing detail on green initiatives
Analysis shows net zero commitments rising but many lack robustness
City Hive CEO Bev Shah says decision makers at the conference must reflect the entire global community
A special channel bringing you highlights and exclusive content from on the ground in Glasgow
A government paper, now unpublished, explores a number of recommendations
Square Mile and ESG Clarity Responsible Pathway event discusses greenwashing worries and what net zero means for portfolios
Sarasin & Partners’ Natasha Landell-Mills says it’s time investors held company auditors to account
PRI-commissioned reports show ending deforestation, decommissioning coal and phasing out fossil cars are essential
RLAM’s head of responsible investment explores the targets set out in Climate Action 100+’s new report
Investment industry welcomes Greening Finance report that lays out roadmap to sustainable financing including more detail on data collection