Pensions taskforce recommends action to improve voting oversight
LCP’s Claire Jones says there is a tendency to ‘delegate and forget’ when it comes to stewardship at pension schemes
LCP’s Claire Jones says there is a tendency to ‘delegate and forget’ when it comes to stewardship at pension schemes
BNP Paribas survey on attitudes to ESG shows it is more deeply embedded than ever with active ownership strategies driving progress
Industry responds to UK regulator’s climate-related disclosures consultation
TPI shares feedback to TCFD consultation where it says metrics are too onerous on asset owners
LCP’s Claire Jones says consider climate risks to funding and investment strategy in an integrated manner
UNJSPF, NOW: Pensions and Royal London commit to cutting emissions
Industry reactions to regulator’s consultation on climate-related disclosures
Only half of boards currently review their effectiveness from a governance perspective annually
The Good Economy CEO Sarah Forster sets out three steps for pension funds to invest locally
Pension trustees have welcomed DWP’s consultation outcome on addressing climate change risks and opportunities
Created research group to look into how funds using derivatives can join Net Zero Investment Framework
‘With $47trn in pension funds globally this sector plays a major role’